Welcome to Planet RickWelcome to my part of the Internet. Get strapped in as I take you on a Magical Mystery Tour. About Me
As far as my hobbies are concerned, I like to read and write mostly. I also like to listen to various forms of music and was a Disk Jockey for Eclipse Radio, formerly known as DreamScape Radio, which is a part of a chat and roleplay site called Portal of Dreams. My DJ name is DJ WaveRider and my show is called the WaveCave. You can read more on my DJ'ing at Eclipse on my Music Radio page. I am also politically active, registered as a Republican but more or less consider myself a Conservative and have SOME libertarian leanings. In the past, I was the host of Red, Right, and Blue, which is a part of a site called Own The Narrative. The show is every Saturday from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM Eastern, though right now it is on hiatus until my producers deal with some unfinished business offline. On top of being the host of Red, Right, and Blue, I was also on panel of a few shows over at BlogTalk Radio, where I got my start in talk radio as a part of a network called Conservative Nation Radio. You can read more on my talk show as well as places where I am a panelist on other talk show on my Talk Radio page. Not only am I politically active, but I am also a blogger. Right now I have 8 blogs (some of which I am trying to streamline into one and others I am thinking of leaving as is) that I own outright or am an author on. One of the things I like to do with a couple of the blogs is do a news aggregate at least once a week and link to a well-known political and cultural blog known as The Other McCain. You can read about my blogging on my Blogs page. One thing I am VERY active in is trying to get the Fair Tax enacted. Here is a brief excerpt of what the Fair Tax (HR 25) can do. "Simply put, HR25 would provide for the repeal of the 16th Amendment (the income tax amendment) and the dismantling of the IRS. All personal and corporate income taxes would end, as would all payroll taxes. There would not be one cent of federal taxes of any nature taken out of your paychecks. No more Social Security taxes. No more Medicare taxes. you earn $2000 a payday; you earn $2000 a payday. The federal government would be funded through a national sales tax on goods and services sold at the retail level. No taxes on investments. No taxes on savings. You only get taxed on what you spend at the retail level. Store your earnings in a shoebox if you wish. They won't be taxed." - Neal Boortz "Imagine receiving 100% of your paycheck!" (Taken from http://townhall.com/columnists/nealboortz/2004/08/27/imagine_receiving_100_of_your_paycheck!) I hope you enjoy this trip through my crazed world, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me. © Rick Bulow 2014-2020 |